Vishi is a 5th grade student at Erickson Elementary and continually goes above and beyond in and out of school! The 5th grade teachers stated, “Vishi is an extremely hard worker who works well with everyone.  She is kind, respectful and inclusive.  Her smile brightens every room she walks in.  She is an excellent role model and has been involved with many school opportunities, including Girls on the Run, the Spelling Bee and the 5th Grade Musical.  She is responsible and participates during class discussions.  Her wealth of knowledge benefits her peers as she has many insights to share.”  Mr. Lebowa, the music teacher, said that Vishi is always respectful and works hard in music class. She has also lent her own recess time to volunteer and help with creating materials and other odd tasks for music class!”  Vishi is also a leader in P.E.  She is always willing to try new things, hypes her classmates up when they do something good, and is excited everyday she comes through the PE doors.  The Girls on the Run Club advisors said that Vishi was a stand out leader for her teammates to follow.  Her positive attitude, willingness to always put forth her best effort, and kind heart were a constant source of encouragement and inspiration for her peers and coaches alike.  Her contagious smile brightened our practices.  Vishi truly goes above and beyond in all that she does!  Overall, Vishi SOARS at Erickson and is a great role model for others.